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      秋葵视频在线无限看在全国设有400多家销售门店,在浙江省内属于营销服务一体化企业,产品市场占有率名列全省靠前,在全国范围内也是采暖散热器的典型企业,曾先后入选全国采暖散热器委员会常委单位,被评为中国散热器行业十大品牌,拥有国内专利133项 (其中发明专利4项),在同行业企业中靠前,被评为省级专利示范企业、科学技术成果12项,更连续多年获得散热器行业“产品金质”奖、“中国采暖散热器行业知名品牌”。2016年,秋葵视频在线无限看成功入选CCTV《工匠精神》栏目,成为暖通行业录播品牌。2017年,秋葵视频在线无限看与知名地暖品牌德国玫尔达成全球战略合作伙伴关系,成为德国玫尔地暖在中国地区的代理商。2019年荣获“中国供暖行业民族品牌100强”。

     Zhejiang Sunlight Heating Equipment Co.Ltd was established in 2003, covering an area of 50000 square metres. It’s an integrated high-tech enterprise in researching, designing, production & sales of heating radiators. Sunlight is a key enterprise which has been given special support from the municipal government, with more than 400 staff. Its products have been exported to European & American countries and won good reputation in the market. Our sales volume of chrome plated mild steel radiators ranks first in China.

     Sunlight is positive developing vogue & novel radiators, aiming to become the benchmark in leading the industry. It owns 48 patents, within which D Shape Radiator, Musical Instrument Series , Dual-side Small Wave Aluminum Radiator & classic chrome plated bathroom products have made hit since their inception into the market. Meanwhile, Sunlight has taken the advantage of the themes like “ Sunlight Hall Day”, “ the Power of Cloud”, “ China Dream”,” Sunlight Humanity” to enter the heating industry. Its brand stories like “ six-kingdom theory” , “ Twelve beauties of Jinling”, “ China Dream”, “ Vogue Aesthetics” are well received by the end users. With the principle of “ Refined in Form, Dedicated in Quality”, Sunlight goes all out to become the first brand in high vogue radiator market.

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    Specializing in heating industry, with domestic & international business Sunlight is pursuing to become the fast developing manufacturer in the market.




    数千年前,大思想家、哲学家老子在他的《道德经》中,精辟地阐述了道家的哲学"人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然 "。"道"的法则是自然,道的力量生生不息、源源不断,自然(nature),宇宙之本源,大道运化天地万物,无不是遵循自然法则的规律,无不是得自然本源之功,无不是返归于本根。

    Sun nat(秋葵视频在线无限看)品牌,为一合成词,即"Sun"(太阳神)和"Nature"的融合。Sun nat(秋葵视频在线无限看)正是承袭了古希腊太阳神阿波罗(Sun god)的惟美精涵,同时深植于中国道法自然(nature)道家哲学文化土壤。喻意古希腊太阳神的"唯美、温暖、和谐"的感性诉求与中国传统"道法自然"的哲学思想合二为一,孕育出Sunnat(秋葵视频在线无限看)东方和西方、艺术与功能、简约与奢华、理性与感性相融共生的品牌之基。

    The ancient Greek mythology, the God of Mount Olympus twelve Apollo (Appollo), wearing in laurel, Myrtle, crown yuan, olive trees and lotus leaves woven up blue sky, and handsome. Because of its open and aboveboard, is good at playing in archery, arts, and was widely read. Apollo (Appollo) is the real sun god (Sungod), the God of light, the God of truth and medicine God, he became more people's spiritual leader, but also a model of male beauty.

    Thousands of years ago, a great thinker and philosopher Lao Tzu in his "moral", "brilliantly expounded the philosophy of Taoist law, law day, days France Road, imitation of nature". "Tao" is the rule of nature, the power of life and growth in nature, Everfount, nature (nature), the origin of the universe, the universe has no road transport, not to follow the natural law of the law, no is not a natural source of power, not a return to the origin.

    Nat Sun (Selat) brand, as a compound word, that is, "Sun" (the sun god) and the "Nature" integration. Sun nat (Selat) is inherited the ancient Greek sun god Appollo (Sun God) the beautiful Jing Han, also deeply rooted in the Chinese nature (nature) philosophy of Taoism culture. Meaning the ancient Greek god of the sun "beautiful, warm and harmonious" emotional appeal and China traditional philosophical thought of "nature" be made one, bred Sunnat (Selat), Eastern and Western art and function, simplicity and luxury, rationality and sensibility of symbiotic brand base.

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